MCS how and why?


What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)?


According to current estimates, more than a million people in Germany are affected by this environmental illness, with most of them unaware of it. Many of them desperately visit one doctor after another, but the cause of their symptoms often remains unclear.


Most doctors and medical professionals are not familiar with MCS, as no indications can be found in the blood. Only in a few cases, abnormalities are detected through toxic substance tests, which are conducted by only a handful of doctors. After a few years, those affected often seek help from alternative medicine practitioners.


Patients turn to TCM doctors, naturopaths, osteopaths, and other alternative practitioners who may have heard of MCS or CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and might be able to help them.

Since 1987, the severe neuroimmunological multisystem disease has been known as MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity).

To differentiate between MCS and psychosomatic disorders, the criteria defined by Cullen in 1987 were used until 1993. Currently, the Queesi questionnaire is used to determine if someone has MCS.


The disease develops in two phases


Sensitization Phase I: During this phase, exposure to one or more chemicals leads to a nonspecific reduction in sensitivity to chemicals.


Sensitization Phase II: In this phase, symptoms occur even at low chemical concentrations upon re-exposure. This second phase can occur 2 to 4 years after the initial contact. The substances responsible for the disease in phases I and II do not necessarily have to be identical.


Laboratory tests such as the basophil degranulation test or lymphocyte transformation test can provide objective findings.

From Sensitization Phase II, even the smallest amounts of chemicals in the air, water, or food can cause symptoms. The following factors have been identified as the main causes of a "perfect storm" for the development of MCS:


1. Genetic predisposition

2. Viral burden

3. Cervical spine trauma/mitochondriopathy

4. Disturbance of the ON/ONOO cycle (nitrosative stress)

5. Nutrient deficiency


Genetic predisposition plays a major role in the development of MCS. It is important to consider the entire environment and all substances affecting the body.

Often, all the factors mentioned above are present, but in certain individuals, the presence of two of these factors can already lead to neurological trauma.

The individual detoxification capacity is crucial for substance toxicity.


Due to advancing developments in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as an increasing pollution of the environment, the human body is exposed to an ever-increasing amount of drugs and foreign substances. These must be metabolized by the body's detoxification enzymes (especially in the liver).


The exogenous foreign substances are mostly lipophilic, so they cannot be excreted without further modification.

For the metabolism of these substances, the human body has specific enzymatic equipment available, which allows neutralization and thus conversion into excretion-capable end products.

This detoxification process predominantly occurs in two phases.


What symptoms do MCS patients experience?


- Difficulty breathing

- Sore throat

- Headaches (foggy thinking)

- Muscle pain/cramps

- Fatigue

- Digestive issues (heartburn, bloating, irritable bowel...)

- Skin rashes, hives

- Memory problems

- Mood swings

- Confusion

- Difficulty concentrating

- Sneezing, runny nose, blocked sinuses

- Circulation disorders


Do "The woods" really heal MCS?


I found this really insightful website by Rabin Prusty, MSCE, Environmental Engineer that states the following:


"By breathing clean and fresh air and minimizing exposure to any chemicals or substance, which will give severe reaction, a person can considerably slowdown the progression of MCS."

The lifestyle of a person with MCS would be severely restricted as that person goes to a higher Stage of MCS

As medicines will give severe to life-threatening reactions, a person with MCS should try to treat common illness using Alternative Medicine, which will give mild reaction.

In Alternative Medicine, also known as nutritional healing, vitamins, minerals and herbs are used to treat common illness.

Source:Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) By Rabin Prusty, MSCE


I sincerely believe that, living a healthy lifestyle and seeking out cleaner, more natural environments, will have a healing effect.


Mother nature has been known to play a significant role in helping numerous people with seemingly incurable sicknesses recover.

With a natural healer by my side, we have all the tools one needs for healing.


The combined program of healthy vegetarian food, yoga and  a little fitness in a cleaner environment will have a transformative effect. Rewiring the brain was the last step on the path to full cure.